Temple Project
About The Project
Our ancestors had established the spiritual institutions like the Temple and Dharmaguru Peetahs to provide us Divine Light and Guidance in our life’s journey towards righteousness and the Eternal. These lamps had been kept burning brightly by the oil of their faith, devotion, commitment, sacrifice and all the essences
The Strategy
One of our primary competencies is developing high-quality websites that are W3C compliant, mobile friendly, adaptive and optimized for faster loading times. We have the necessary skill set to develop websites on WordPress as well as HTML, including PHP programming for any additional plugins that you may need.
- Website is Secure and HTTPS compliant.
- Responsive – Mobile Ready
- The Website is SEO Friendly
- Website Optimized for faster Loading
- Secure & Optimized Web Hosting
- Google Analytics Configured
- Secured from DDoS Attacks
- Regular Website Maintenance
Final Reports of the Project
Optimization in Proces..
Reports will be updated soon.